I found Natascha to have a deep passion and ability to drive clarity from complex concepts while staying focused on how to drive profitable business growth.
— Ric Powell - President Versatex
Natascha has the unique ability to evaluate a situation or need, identify issues that need to be resolved, develop effective strategies and implement these strategies with a focus on detail.
— Stephen Sendelbeck - VP, Director, Workplace Design Studio KZF Design
Natascha has been a tremendous asset over the last two years and I very much have enjoyed working with her. Because of Natascha, I have learned so much about marketing strategy and will be forever grateful.
— Nadine Pietrowski - CEO Crowe GHP Horwath
Natascha Hubert’s achievements in an incredibly short period of time at Crowe GHP Horwath, Denver, were nothing short of extraordinary.
— Jeff Seeley, CEO Carew International

Additional information, including an extensive creative + business portfolio and a full-length detailed resume can be presented during an interview.
References are available upon request along with letters of recommendation.